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Monday, March 25, 2013


Picture this: a really, really, REALLY soft, creamy pudding delighting your taste buds. Such a sweet treat it is. Originally invented in France, Crème Brulee literally means “burnt cream”- which it simply is. Similar to the traditional caramel pudding and Japanese ‘Purin’, what differs this dessert to them is that uses heavy cream and egg yolks rather than milk and whole eggs. Another difference is that Crème Brulee has a hardened caramelized part as topping- unlike the caramel pudding that has it on the bottom of the dessert. 

I had a pretty hard time finding the right recipe, until I found this Gordon Ramsay’s perfect Crème Brulee on the internet. I gotta say I do have some credibility issue when it comes to recipe browsing; after all, nobody wants to fail over the wrong recipes, right? So when Chef Ramsay’s appears on the search I immediately picked this one.

And it turned out GREAT- as expected. Everybody enjoyed this lovely French dessert.
Care to try some? Here is the recipe to get started. The recipe yields to 4 to 5 ramekins servings.

You’ll need:
  •  300 ml double cream
  • 130 ml milk
  • 40g vanilla sugar
  •  a pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 4 egg yolks
  •  granulated sugar, to sprinkle for caramel topping


  1.  Heat the milk and cream until it is just about to boil, stirring in a dessertspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Allow them to cool.
  2.  Lightly whisk together the remaining sugar, vanilla extract, and the yolks.
  3. Reheat the cream until about to boil. Pour it into the yolks mixture and whisk it. Strain the mixture and pour into the ramekin dishes.
  4. Fill a large roasting tin half full of boiling water. Put the ramekins in and bake at 80o C for 10-15 minutes until just set.  
  5. Allow to cool in the fridge.
  6. Finally, dust the top with granulated sugar. Using a handy baking torch, burn the topping until it is caramelized. If you don’t have one, simply bake them again under upper heat of the oven for about 15 minutes or until the caramel appears.
  7. Serve them warm, or chilled.  (Tastes better when chilled, of course!) 


  1. This definitely going in my to-do list....

  2. Dear Aisha,

    Finally am here to read your blog, and I'm going to leave comment like you asked me to!
    I don't understand anything in this blog...
    1.I never baked anything so far
    2.Your English is too damn hard for me to understand... Remember am just an Intermediate 3 student :okay: :(

    Conclusion is:
    You're still one of the most talented girl/woman I've ever met, you're beautiful, smart, fast learner, you even baked (I didn't know that), and now you write this Blog in full English really makes me think, why on earth ILP gave me the most outstanding shit before you???
    Well, bright future awaits, now is your choice, be a monstrous career woman, or be a professional chef!? the choice is yours! ;)
    Well, that's all about it, maybe am gonna ask my "soon-became-wife" to do all the stuff you put in here... (just need google translate to do this tough :p)
    Thanks for sharing all the recipes... :D

    Best Regards,


    *now do your job grammarbiatch! :D

  3. Thank you guys for the comments!
    Bimo : Yeah, you totally SHOULD, mate.
    Angga : LOL that is one very long comment you got here. Thanks though! :D
